1. Clear Bio - That’s important real estate! Is it clear in your Instagram profile how you serve, what you offer, where you’re located, what’s important to your small biz, and something fun about yourself?
2. Giveaways – What’s one of your most beloved or popular products or services? Offer that in an exciting way to your followers. Pro Tip: Try not to make the entry rules super complicated; you’ll lose potential new followers.
3. Show Your Face - I know. But photos of actual humans typically perform much better than just your product or service – intro yourself and show you or others experiencing what you have to offer.
4. Have Fun in Instagram Stories – Are you adding short fun videos showing some of the behind the scenes of your small business? – Pro Tip: Adding text (for either commentary or for storytelling) makes for better social media engagement.
5. Relevant Hashtags - We all know the social media algorithms change (the way in which people are able to find you and talk about you…) But that’s why it’s so key to know your target audience/tribe/dream clients - Picking 5 strong hashtags in your niche, can often be better than 30 of a generalized industry. Test them out.
And through it all, continue to be genuine, real, and PATIENT. The type of authentic growth you’re wanting doesn’t happen over night. But what you’ll find out, is that your real and loyal tribe will start to find you more and more.
The world NEEDS the GOOD you have to offer and the best way for us to know about it, is to see it and for you to tell us about it…it’s not bragging…it’s simply sharing. x
4 Myths of a Small Business Working with Celebs & Influencers
See below to see how I Happily BUST those Myths!!
1. “They are all divas” – Some are, but NOT all, actually far less than you would think. In my 20 years of working in the entertainment industry with ALL KINDS of celebs and influencers, I can tell you this: KINDNESS still wins in the end. ✨And everyone is ready and excited to try something full of value & purpose. So bear that in mind when you think of what your small business has to offer. ⠀
2. “They are WAY out of my budget”- Partnerships and sponsorships happen on all types of financial levels, but there’s a special space for small businesses that isn’t always utilized but is HIGHLY effective. Put it this way, I was able to connect one of my small business clients to Magnolia Market with a fresh strategy that cost me less than $100 (this method is what I share in my Social Media Boost Bundle!)⠀
3. I need to be a huge brand name – NOPE. New is new. And it almost works in your favor to be the underdog and the new kid on the block, especially if what you have is special. Doesn’t need to be “fancy” but valuable. Meaning, it ADDS value and delight to someone’s life in a specific way.⠀
4. They are unreachable – But have you heard of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon….because this is a REAL thing friends. A REAL THING. And I’ll leave that right there. 😆😆😆#sixdegreesofkevinbacon – But seriously, now you know me, and others on this Instagram platform, and we just might be connected to your “Dream 100” influencer or celeb…You won’t know until you ask……⠀
Want to learn more? And put it into practice? And shed the stress of trying to do it ALL by yourself? You may want to give this a peek: CLICK HERE.
My Number 1 Tip When Posting to Instagram
This is the one social media tip that has given me my life back! ~
I love Instagram, but I also love my real life and the people in it. And I never want to be addicted to social media (trust me, the addiction happens subtly...)
So let’s keep it simple, loves.
PLAN your posts ahead of time so you are not scrambling to figure out something authentic and relevant to your audience, small business, career, or your creative work.
And you’ll have more free time to do or to *discover the things you truly love offline...x
The app I LOVE using the most to plan my posts: PLANN
Another really great solid option: TAILWIND
What’s your fave?
#smallbizsquad #smallbiztips #smallbiz #smallbizowner #smallbizlove #smallbizsupport #smallbusinessowners #smallbusinessadvice #successresources #marketingtools #smallbusinesstools #smallbusinessgrowth #newsmallbusiness #instagramgrowthtips #smallbusiness #smallbusinesslove #smallbusinessstories #smallbusinessbeginnings #faithinbusiness #faithbased #faithbasedbusiness #instagramtips #igtips
Learn 3 Quick Ways to Discover Your Brand Story
I love stories...I find it's one of the most profound yet simple ways in which we discover & retain information. Stories also connect us to one another & can boldly evoke empathy like rarely nothing else can.
An idea goes from the abstract & objective to personal & revelatory.⠀
A Brand Story can be described as: an integrated & unified narrative embracing both facts & emotions connected to your small business brand.
In other words, it's the flesh and bones of how your small business/creative endeavor came to be, how you serve, what you value, and how it ties into your mission. All of this concisely put down in writing (a paragraph can suffice) to then be used as a powerful and authentic marketing and sharing tool in various areas of your small business.
Main goals of a Brand Story: To INSPIRE & GIVE VALUE.
As a small business or brand, do you know your brand story? The way in which your audience can connect to you -- not simply through information but also by inspiring emotions?
Here's 3 quick ways to start to put your small business into the lens of a story:
1. What is your business? And *how did your business get started? (By answering these questions, you are automatically going to start telling me a story....)
2. How did you feel when you first started? (We are now adding the emotional layer to this story.)⠀
3. Why did you want to move forward with this small business? How did you see what you had to offer affecting people? (Now you'll start to understand more of your mission in developing your brand story and how you serve and give value...)
So here's an excerpt example of my own brand story:
After years of working in television production and helping small business brands find exposure and placement backstage in front of celebrities, I felt as though God stopped me in my tracks and invited me into entrepreneurship - ⠀ I felt unqualified, not "business" enough, a bit like an underdog looking for a prayerful small business community to help me grow [...] And now I get to provide prayerful support, growth tips, and coaching to my fellow underdogs and continue to connect them to their dream partnerships.
Want more support and tips from me? Join my tribe here: You’ll learn my backstory and you’ll gain access to my entertainment connections and my trade tips and tricks to help you grow in your own dream!
How to Write a Great Caption on Instagram
My @togethergoodco tip #45667
"How To Write a Great Caption on Instagram"
Type how you talk...
Write how you talk.
I love sitting with clients and coming up with meaningful captions for their photos. I'll simply just type out what they say and help them craft something that sounds natural and authentic to who they are and their own voice.
Keep it simple.
Voice record yourself saying thoughts that come to mind for a specific photo and then once you have a line or 2 that sounds good to you...TYPE it out.
Just like that.
And now you have a caption that sounds like YOU and sounds GREAT.
Have fun!
Want more fun, easy to implement social media tips to grow online? And want to borrow my entertainment connections and tricks of the trade to grow your own creative endeavor? Connect with my tribe here: and learn what I’m all about. (Hint: Mostly about you living your best life off and on social media…)
2nd Place
And here we are. It’s been too long since I’ve written to you, but in our usual fashion, I’ll start somewhere in the middle, loop back to the beginning and perhaps end somewhere close to the present.
But I’m choosing to let you in again. Close to this space near my heart.
This year wasn’t what any of us expected. At the beginning of the year, I was hunkering down to have one of the busiest years of my professional TV production career.
And I LIKE busy. I LOVE it.
It helps me to not think of all the other things…the pressing things, the painful things, all the things I’ve been waiting for…. the unfinished things…
And I just knew going into this year, that it was simply going to be me and God. No more “almost’s”, no more “crushes”, no more aching after unrequited love and feeling embarrassed because of all the lost time.
I purposely took a multi-day solo train trip for my birthday weekend around the beginning of this year. And it was glorious.
It marked a fresh new season with God and I.
I felt so strong and free stepping into this new season. My heart was prepared to wait for all the things that God had promised.
Many of you are familiar with my previous blog post and my heart to be married. And mostly, how my whole entire timeline was demolished 10x times over within the last decade (See: The Caleb Blessing).
I was wrestling with my age, my seeming career setbacks and other steps backwards. But as much as I felt the pressure, I still had real hope that God’s promises to my heart for an epic love story were true and valid.
It would just take time.
But I never saw 2020 coming.
I was prepared to absolutely be invisible in the realm of love and romance. In fact, that’s my favorite go-to. I also think it’s partly why I purposely chose a career involving “Behind the Scenes” rather than in front of the camera.
But if I’m honest, I was wounded and hurt in specific scenarios in my younger years, and shied away from being “in front” of anything later on in life. But my inclination to step outside my comfort zones, coupled with the desire to authentically connect with people, and always up for a big vision or dream — collided with me consistently being in “opportune places at opportune times”… and I would find myself reluctantly leading or somehow in the front of the action.
But on the whole, I embraced my season of hiddenness.
I also think God was working on my ego in a real and much needed way during that time.
A beautiful stripping away of pride and false humility.
So I was prepared to be invisible this year in the eyes of men.
But wouldn’t you know it, I’ve been approached by more sincere, beautiful men this year than in the last 5 years combined! It’s been THEEE strangest thing.
But I’m an expert at putting up walls and keeping them up. I’ve been friend-zoned so many times that I have a cute neon yellow vest to let us both know, “It ain’t happenin’, Jack!”
So it’s my constant go-to move – even with the guys that show a genuine interest in me.
I put out both my proverbial hands in an act of creating space, giving all the high-fives, calling them “Dude”, “Bud” or “Bro” at least a million times to reinforce every wall I’ve ever built around my semi-sturdy castle.
Because if that space isn’t filled with my neon yellow vest and my strategic verbal acrobatics, then the door opens, and I find myself falling hard…and fast.
Now granted, I’ve had a lot of training in this area. I am no beginner.
This is definitely not my first rodeo.
But I literally felt as if this year was rapid fire beautiful dudes in my face who were simply trying to be kind. But mix that with the tangible cultural loneliness of 2020 and my lack of successfully being “busy”…
I meannnn, I did try and stay busy…I started a podcast, built a brand new curriculum and hosted a month-long workshop for small business owners, became a podcast guest for others, created an online community for faith-based small business owners, cleaned my house, rearranged my house, watched my favorite 80s movies, ate food, rearranged my house again, and made a ton of silly online videos…
But it still wasn’t busy enough for me. (Shout out to all the Enneagram 3s out there – Ha!)
So when new guys literally started sliding into my DMs, or giving me really good eye contact, I felt open and vulnerable.
But then, all of a sudden, my thoughts of self-sabotage came marching in. It was no longer the neon yellow vest that was the problem, it was this weird helmet I was putting over my own head.
It was a helmet I honestly hadn’t seen in years. But was first given to me in high school.
In the full post, I shared about the story of how my crush at the time, a White guy, told me he could never reciprocate feelings towards me, nor did he want to, because I was a Black girl. It was the first time I had ever heard anything like that. And I was legit shook.
Confused. Surprised. But mostly shooketh.
In the recent sharing of this story, I felt no hurt or bitterness towards that guy who said those things to me. I’ve long forgiven him and the situation. And I wish nothing but continued blessing on him and his entire family. God has been so kind to me (and you) — and I can’t withhold love and kindness – not even in this scenario.
But what was planted in that season was this weird sense of being “2nd Place”.
I’ve always had this fear that I wouldn't be chosen.
Like ever.
And the one time that I was temporarily chosen…he happened to cheat in a very “Maury Povich Show” dramatic type of way…another story for another day. But this guy is also forgiven – seriously. I have nothing but blessings to say over him and his family as well.
But that’s why this whole romance situation has been so ….how do you say…a bit cray cray for me.
But I found a loophole…
I could be chosen for what I “do”.
Because I’m good at what I “do”.
So I poured myself into that for years.
And people would pat me on the back, and tell me what a great job I did.
And men would compliment my work ethic.
But not necessarily my heart or my appearance.
And the true question was still underlying…
Could I be chosen for me? Just for me….for who I am. And would he find me attractive?
Now over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of lovely gentlemen…let’s just call them the “Jeromey-Rome’s”…Who’ve said some flirtatious (borderline crazyyyy…) things to me or said something about my body in an attempt to compliment me. Ha!
But for the record: Ya girl knows what she’s workin with. And yes, I would still feel cute at 40, even if the Jeromy-Rome’s didn’t compliment me…
But what I find myself doing with this helmet though – the one that helps to cover my face…and especially my eyes… is that it helps me to put myself in second place…
“But there’s someone hotter you could be with….”
“I’m a lot to handle…”
“There’s someone younger you’d rather be with…” (Because why is almost every dude who’s tried to holler at me recently — like 10+ years younger than me?? #notevenmadbro)
PLUS…these new guys are also working against my 2023 timeline. A year I felt God whisper to my heart in regards to my love story.
I don’t want to let anyone in until then. But I want to let someone in before then.
Yes. I know.
Not confusing at all.
I started to feel, midway through this year, that I was just watching everyone else have a birthday party parade around me and somehow my parents forgot about me and forgot that it was my birthday altogether. #Hello16Candles
What I thought was meant to be a “Joyful Adventure with God” season, was feeling more like a “Probation and Punishment” season.
How do you navigate the now and not yet. The good thing you know is coming… or might even be here…but it’s not time for it yet.
So yep….I’m throwing all my toddler tantrums right now.
Because as I cry out for the Lord to stop sending beautiful, kind men my way, and as I scream that I just want to be left alone…the truth is, I just want to be cuddled…
So I ask God, “What’s my next move? What great word of encouragement do you have for me, as I’m clearly an emotional wreck right now??”
And He only whispers one word to me:
UM……..Was that supposed to be comforting??
Because yeah…..not quiiiite what I was going for……
And so I ask again, in case God gave me a mixed signal or something.
And I hear it again:
And then I go rewatch the teen movie: “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” – because I now need to go and “do” something….
And I cry a little too hard when I hear the line, “You were never second best…” in one of the movie’s classic scenes.
Because here’s the thing.
You and I were never second best.
We were never second best in God’s plan.
You were specifically made and chosen.
And like your fingerprint, you leave a mark on someone’s soul like no one else can or ever will on this planet earth.
The space between you and God is as expansive as the universe, yet as close and intimate as the breath in your lungs.
And in that space, it would be advantageous of you to know and experience the chosen intention of God for your own heart, your life, your purpose, and your love story.
God knows your name.
God loves saying your name.
And when He does. He smiles.
And so I realized…
We’ve not been forgotten.
We’ve been chosen by Love itself.
1st Place.
Often, I not only want to be chosen, but I want to do the choosing.
But there’s something to remember in choosing…I have to remove my helmet.
I have to let you see my eyes.
And what does that mean of my 2023 timeline?
Honestly…I don’t know.
But I’m still in a posture of waiting…
Because what I think might be true of my man — the one who I’ve been waiting for this whole time – is that he will not only know how to see my eyes, but he won’t have me put on a ridiculous neon yellow vest…nor will I hide behind my walls of performance and self preservation.
Because in the end, we’ll both know, that we’ve been undoubtedly, utterly, and lovingly Chosen.
Wisdom’s Knocking:
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”
John 15:16 (ESV)
Fake Brides, "Love Is Blind", God's Plan (Right on Time)
So no, I’m not here to spill the tea on a bridezilla or a TV event planning mishap…although, I do have some funny stories that would leave you looking like:
But I am here to share in brief what this current season of life has been like for me, in the hopes that it would encourage you and make you smile.
Being an entrepreneur in what feels like an intense season of maturing, I’m being reminded that God is right here in the midst of it all. And He has a plan.
You see, I go through seasons where I passionately go through a series of relationship articles, podcasts, and books, specifically from a faith foundation.
And this past Valentine’s Day season brought me back to my roots. Real first love.
Whether we want to admit it or not, relationships are deeply intertwined within our everyday lives. The lack thereof, the abundance of them, the health or unhealth of relationships play out in subtle and often not-so subtle ways.
As much as we’d like to compartmentalize all the different facets of our lives – there is inevitable spilling and cross-over.
It was time for my heart to hear the truth again in regards to the beauty of relationships and how God is faithful to work all things out-- together for our good.
I started my search by listening to my tried-and-true Annie F. Downs: “That Sounds Fun” podcast.
Annie and her guests hold such kindness and insight when it comes to faith and relationships.
The episodes that rocked my face off:
Juliana & Addison Bevere, Arden & Christian Bevere, and Austin & Jessica Bevere brought that fire.
And so I spent an entire Saturday taking my time and soaking up their wisdom.
To get a small taste of what I watched:
So in the midst of all my deep diving into the world of relationships again, I noticed something was happening.
My heart was getting ridiculously encouraged.
Not discouraged because I’ve been perpetually single and desire to be married like yester-decade. But encouraged because I was allowing the truth of God to permeate the tender and vulnerable places of my heart again.
It was reminding me that I was loved by a God who was absolutely into every detail of this one precious life.
He was whispering to my heart – I see you. And I’ve not forgotten about you.
And I knew it was true.
Just a few days later, I got a random request from a sweet friend of mine…
“Hey! You want to possibly be in the Bridal Show?”
Um. Do *I*-- the person who’s been writing about romance and love for over 10 years want to play dress up in a bridal gown for an entire day??
Dear reader, what do you think I said?
Well my response was:
MIRACULOUSLY my schedule had a fresh opening on the very day of the bridal show.
And only God and I truly knew how profound that was to my heart.
I see you.
Meanwhile, in the atmosphere…everyone kept talking about this show, “Love is Blind”.
It was all over my Instagram and Facebook feeds.
Mind you, I’m not a huge reality TV show person, but I became super curious as to why this particular reality show had picked up so much momentum in such a short amount of time.
So I decided to simply check out the first episode for myself - Just so I could understand the premise.
Fast forward to me finishing the entire season in just 3 days.
Clearly I didn’t expect that.
The premise for “Love is Blind”:
Single guys and girls date multiple people, then propose to the one they feel they have the strongest emotional connection with – all without ever seeing the other person they’ve been ‘dating’.
To make the stakes even higher, once they finally see each other, we watch them meet each others’ respective families and plan a legitimate wedding where we then can watch them say either “I do”….or “I don’t”.
It endeavors to remove the distractions of cell phones, social media, and physical appearance in order to challenge the notion that ‘love is truly blind’.
The show still might not be your cup of tea, but what I found fascinating and what I believe to be the main draw of this show in today’s culture, is the hunger and thirst for true connection, true intimacy beyond the superficial and temporal nature of our current culture and busy lives.
We were made to be known.
And knowing goes both ways.
It’s for the listener and the speaker.
It’s a receiving and a giving.
Authenticity – being the key.
We’ve all known for quite some time, that social media misses the mark in terms of truthful connection.
And accomplishments alone don’t fill the void in our aching hearts.
But real faith-filled relationships and friendships help to bring out the person we’ve been longing to be.
We’ll be challenged, loved, encouraged, celebrated, put to the test, and inspired.
But what we often forget is that a relationship worth having is also a relationship worth nurturing – doing the hard work of growing in love.
And this takes time.
And as we know, time is the real currency of life.
It may be a risk for you to give away time and to step out in terms of relationships, friendships, or work choices. But for those of us who know God, His promise to us is that all things will work together for good. (Romans 8:28). What an incredible foundation to stand on.
I mean, just think…the lives of these “contestants “ from “Love is Blind”, are now radically changed forever, because they took the time to take a risk, amid a televised “social experiment” in front of millions.
Showing us all once again that vulnerability is still the doorway to true connection and love.
So do you want the real or do you want the fake?
And yes, being a fake bride at the Bridal Show was incredible for me. Like you have NO idea. My family was in attendance, and my cousin legit cried seeing me in a wedding dress. It was like a beautiful reality show.
I just couldn’t get over how God had made me a ‘bride’ just weeks before I turn 40.
And I started remembering all those times I had asked God and ugly-cried over the years…And guess what ya’ll?... He made me a bride in a way that still held my heart and encouraged me…. But just not the way I thought it would go down. Ha!
But my heart is also preparing for the real.
One day, I’ll be a real bride.
And on that day, you’ll get to celebrate with me.
And we’ll think back to this blog post and how crazy the world was and how impossible everything seemed.
And we’ll be reminded of the love of God.
Because in midst of all the tension of our current seasons of life, we can still trust in the timing and kindness of God. That He’s really not late, but that He’s always been and forever will be, right on time.
I’m learning more and more, the plans of a loving God are so much better than we could ever think or imagine.
So today, dear reader, I want you to simply remember:
That God sees you, He knows you, He loves you, and He has not forgotten about you.
Wisdom’s Knocking:
“…Yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands: your walls are continually before me.”
-Isaiah 49: 15b-16
I was worried that I wouldn’t have any fuel to bring, as I sat down to write to you.
But in perfect fashion, life happened.
I called a guy…like I called a guy…something I haven’t done in years.
I felt that small knot of nervousness in my gut.
And why?
It wasn’t event meant to be that serious.
But I’m trying to remain tender and open…even though, if you’ve read my latest blog post, The Caleb Blessing, you know that I’m in no way looking for a relationship anytime soon.
But somehow, 2019 was the year that every GORGEOUS man decided to come out of the wood work and holla at me.
I was like:
Who me?
I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs…”I’ve been here for YEARS….where have YOU been??”
But timing and life are a tricky business.
And knowing that I have to wait to experience something lasting and good doesn’t make it any easier.
Meaning, the waiting doesn’t always come easy for me…
So the phone kept ringing.
I cleared my throat with each ring.
Practiced how I would say hello in a naturally sounding way.
The knot in my gut got a little tighter.
I felt my vulnerability.
And it felt scary to hope.
The phone rang one last time.
And then it went straight to a non-descript voicemail.
Which then triggered an old teenage wound.
Where a guy I fancied and thought profoundly handsome at a mall, was kind enough to give me his number, leaving the ball in my court.
I didn’t pay close enough attention to him and his buddy gently chuckling as they walked away from me.
And so later that night I went to call him on the phone.
So excited.
Like the most I think I’ve ever been excited about anything to do this day.
Teenage hormones are a funny and wild thing.
And before the phone could ring, I heard a strange beeping noise – and a kind robotic lady stating:
“The number you have dialed is not in service…”
And she kept repeating it over and over again.
I was stunned.
I heard stories about this…and thought it was funny when it happened to someone else.
But here I was.
And I felt stupid and embarrassed.
And all of that hope and excitement morphed, with an underground fierceness, into something much more cruel: a nagging feeling that I wasn’t enough.
I would later spend years running from that cunning voice and find subtle ways to numb the pain of it.
In my case, it was by means of staying busy. Always staying busy. Being productive. Getting results. Meeting goals.
Because if I could show that I can do things….lots of things…then it would be proving something to you and I….
Proving that I’m worth knowing.
Worth investing in.
Worth spending time with.
Worth risking for.
Worth loving.
Worth an answered call.
But in my 30s, I’ve learned to rest.
And yes, I’m still learning. But I have a foundation of rest that I didn’t have before.
And God has ever so gently reminded me on the journey, that I’m full of inherent worth and beauty.
As I know He’s doing the same for you.
The whispers are there.
Often, we just have to get still enough to hear Him say them to our hearts.
And I wish he’d picked up the phone.
But perhaps it was better that he didn’t.
Tonight’s call felt like a chess move of sorts. With the true implications playing out in profound and purposeful ways for our separate journeys, blessing and teaching he and I both for the future.
But solidifying something in my heart that I was meant to let the idea of him go…
And so now I listen to the hints.
I used to not listen to the hints.
And when I didn’t…that would turn into a big greasy mess coupled with me crying in shame for days on end.
So how did I get into this predicament once again…?
I can tell you how….
Because someone handsome said something kind to me over and over again, and I saw a good heart -- of which I wanted to then bond with immediately.
Patience is NOT my strong suit.
Where friendship thrives (or barely begins in my case…), I often prematurely want to step into something more, without looking at the full story.
But those other chapters are incredibly meaningful. And shed light on a person’s motivation and current outlook on life.
Our heart’s intentions often start off good and well….but the fervor in which our true passions begin to surface often scares even us.
Because we I so badly don't want to be alone.
I mean, we’re surrounded by people daily, and yet, we feel estranged somehow. And we know inherently that this isn’t the way it’s suppose to be.
And yet, I do love my sense of autonomy. I’ve perfected the art of being alone. Growing up as an only child, I cherished being in my house alone, enveloped by a foreign film or a great album (which I still love to do to this day).
But there’s still that longing.
To be held.
To be pursued.
To be seen.
He might have broken my heart for a gentle moment.
But it made a crack in order for the river to flow once again.
And in this river is Life.
Redemption is always ever so close.
For you.
And for me.
Humility and tears tend to draw the closeness of God.
He’s with the brokenhearted.
And yes, waiting is hard.
And the healing process often starts with pain.
But in order for an oak tree to grow from being an acorn, it has to break ground first.
It’s the path to something steady, beautiful, and full of legacy…something that will outlive us—and isn’t that what our hearts are after?
Do you know what I’m feeling regarding this brand new year?
I have a strong sense of integration.
I’ve felt a bit scattered over these last couple of years.
Writing my heart to you in a personal blog.
While also writing business blogs for my own company.
I felt stretched and not fully present to you.
But this year, I’m integrating both sides of my heart to share with you.
It’s time.
And in all the ways that we feel scattered, I feel as though God is collecting our pieces together. The struggle, the pain, the lost things, and the beauty. -- And with those things, integrating it all into a beautiful, complete and whole tapestry.
A tapestry that feels like true home.
So welcome to the new.
You are loved.
And redemption lives here.
And to my future husband, I cannot wait to hold you.
To hear how your day was.
To feel your breath on my cheek and close to my ear.
To laugh at your corny jokes.
To believe with you for our impossible dreams to unfold.
And to hear you say my name in the middle of a prayer.
I cannot wait.
But I will.
Because I know that you’re worth it—perhaps more than you realize right now.
And the beautiful thing is….I’m worth it too.
So here’s to the new integrated road ahead, full of big adventure, miraculous love, and tender revelations, leading us all ever so profoundly back—back to a true place called home.
Wisdom’s Knocking:
“One by one the lights emerged
Fluttering like fireflies
Reminding of the path home
Even for the ones
Who lost their way long ago”
― Maria Lehtman, The Dreaming Doors: Through the Soul Gateways
To read more of my personal blogs: www.patricepatrick.com/theblog
Top 4 Backstage Requests...
As you know, I’ve had the privilege of setting up hundreds and hundreds of celebrity dressing rooms and VIP spaces over the years.
From Beyoncé to Taylor Swift to Justin Bieber to Stevie Wonder to Kanye to my beloved Backstreet Boys and so many other artists in between!
This was a niche that I never intended on making a career out of. But I had some amazing mentors along the way cheering me on, and I’ve been able to work consistently in this industry for over a decade!
Because of my interaction with so many different celebs, I often get asked, what do they ask for backstage and prefer, or who backstage has been my favorite celeb to work with?
Well first, let me answer the latter. My favorite celebrity to work with backstage…
As you know, Kindness is a main staple over here at Together Good Co. So any celebrity that I’ve worked with, that exudes kindness backstage will automatically become my current favorite.
But let’s talk about what celebrities and VIPs like backstage.
Over the years, there’s been a pattern that I’ve noticed.
The requests usually center around the same 4 things.
My Together Good Co. shoppers know…and now you’ll know too!
So here we go, the Top 4 Backstage Requests:
1. High End Water
I know what you’re probably thinking. Water is water, Patrice.
Put it this way, all water is not manufactured equally. And with that said, be prepared to get a high end spring water or a water with a relatively high +pH balance…and if the water brand is eco-friendly, well you might have just hit the jackpot!
Water is always needed backstage for a variety of reasons. Whether that’s for normal consumption, to fill a hot-pot, to have near stage, to fill a humidifier, for a wardrobe steamer (distilled water to be specific) or so many other scenarios— especially if you’re talking about an event with multiple performers, artists, and crew.
2. Towels
This may get overlooked, but especially if you have a performer, whether male of female, chances are they’ll make a request for at least 6-12 hand towels. Often “washed” before being placed in their dressing room– Yes. This is a thing.
Brand new towels often shed, so artists and VIPs, will often preface that they want their towels washed before they go to use them in their dressing room spaces.
3. Adult Beverages
Yep. Almost on every formal written celebrity request (also known as a “Rider”) that I’ve seen, there’s been some type of beer, wine, or hard liquor.
So when you’re managing an event or show, be prepared to carve out a decent budget for these costlier hospitality items.
4. Platters
Across all genres of artists, performers, corporate executives, and VIPs, there has almost always been a request for one of the following:
1. Fruit Platter
2. Veggie Platter
3. Cheese Platter
4. Deli/Meat Platter
Want to get more insider tips and see examples of dressing rooms & VIP spaces prepared for a celebrity backstage?
Check out this link here:
5 Things I Learned Working Events in Hollywood:
I’ve always loved special events as long as I can remember.
I went to a small Christian school growing up and had the same classmates from age 5 to age 18. Our graduating class was about 36 kids…
I share that because I have a unique experience when it comes to community and gathering people together.
There were 3 major events that we all looked forward to while going to school:
Homecoming, Winter Banquet, and Spring Formal
The Winter Banquet was open to junior high schoolers-- those beautifully awkward 12 and 13 year olds having a “Fancy Dinner” at a local hotel banquet room on Valentine’s Day.
Not only was I excited to dress up and attend, I was excited to have the opportunity to be on the planning committee.
And thus, at 12 years old, I remember getting on the phone with my first hotel and catering vendor. Maybe I sounded like a grown woman on the phone? I doubt it. Ha!
But she took that 12 year old Patrice seriously as I asked her specific questions about the meal options.
Fast forward to my high school years where I took a lead role in planning our multiple-day Spring Formal in Southern California.
It was exhilarating and a massive challenge, but all worth it when my classmates had one of the best nights of their lives. As did I.
I was hooked.
I would later go on to nurture my love of storytelling as an English major and later a filmmaker at film school.
And through it all, my love of events never waned.
When I fell back into the world of television production, I noticed that there were a great deal of similarities and crossover, with the traditional event-planning world.
So without further ado, here are 5 Things I learned working events in Hollywood:
1. Budget – When you think of television, you may think of an entity that has an endless supply of finances and resources. Um. Nope.
Budget is still king in the world of television and in the world of events. But one of my favorite quotes by the extraordinary filmmaker Orson Welles: “The absence of limitations is the enemy of art” – meaning, having a budget often forces you to get a bit more creative than you normally would. Which in turn, can create something incredibly stunning—something that might not have exited otherwise.
2. Hospitality – Everyone deserves kindness. Even more so, it seems as though everyone is starved for authentic kindness these days.
I was raised on the idea of always giving a “Thank You” card after receiving a gift or a special opportunity.
In dealing with clients in Hollywood and in the events world, a Thank You card and gift goes a long way!
I’m convinced that I got my first few TV jobs and referrals, simply because I gave a sincere gift and a thank you card to the person who “opened a door” for me or who I had the privilege of working under.
3. Patience – I know.
When you think of the fast pace of the TV and Events world, the last thing you may think of is patience.
But I’ve learned to not get discouraged when things don’t happen right away or within my preferred timeline.
Often there are unexpected delays or certain things that simply fall through, but I’ve realized if I just wait a beat, it’s amazing how at the end of the day, the event or live TV show still happens. It may not happen perfectly (giving you new insight on what to avoid in the future) but the event and the show will almost always go on.
4. Team Work – Yes….it makes the DREAM WORK.
When you can develop a signature way in which to do your role within TV or events, it’s even better when you can share and teach others around you, your methods. Giving them insight, and giving you a strong team that you can trust to get things done efficiently and within the culture/attitude you foster and are known for.
I love that I don’t have to micro-manage my freelance team. They’ve all worked with me enough to know how to be proactive in a way that is also kind, professional, creative, and fun.
5. Administration is Producing – Yeah. Let me explain that.
For some reason, the word “administration” or “admin” has the connotation that it’s simply entry level work. Ummm. Naw fam.
From producing events from scratch to production managing and talent hospitality managing, do you know what they all have in common?
If you feel a little weak in your organizational game, you definitely may want to increase it OR find the necessary support that can help you streamline your admin and organization for an event or other company operations you may have.
On a live TV show, you’ll often have the position of a “Line producer”, one who helps to manage (execute admin duties) for the entire budget of a show (we are talking millions of dollars) – There may be excel grids or producing software incorporated, but all to say….doesn’t s this sound a lot like “highly advanced administrative skills”?
And although line producers on this high level often get to negotiate costs with vendors and work directly with the executive producers, they are not always (or if at all ) a part of the full creative aspect of the end product or final event, but often they can be.
This streamlined way of admin and organization for an event is vital. The speed in which a live TV show is produced is quite something. And to make sure the finances are handled above board are of the highest priority.
To give you an example: In the past, I’ve been hired by a line producer to simply file, process, and follow-up on all vendor invoices (100+) – this producer knew that by having my position (a manager of sorts), it would greatly eliminate any gaps of vendors being paid, and would help to accurately reflect current budget spending. Not to mention the wrap-out of the event would be relatively stress free for the event producer, as everything has been filed and put in order with current payment info and status, while the producer is free to engage in client follow-up and prep for additional future events with much more ease.
As event producers and TV producers, we often try and do it all ourselves, as a badge of honor. But as your events get larger, and your clientele more upscale, you’ll definitely want certain new positions in place, to help streamline your workflow and your peace of mind.
So these are some of the valuable things I’ve learned working Events in Hollywood!
Have more questions?
Or want to know how I might be able to support one of your events or event venue in the future?
Feel free to shoot me an email, I’d love to hear from you!