I Quit



  Those were the words I whispered over and over again yesterday.

  2023 has not yet delivered the hope, joy and expectancy I had wanted it to.

And yes, I know – It’s been way too long since I’ve spent some time with you here in this space.

Honestly, I think I’ve been avoiding the vulnerability and transparency that we’ve cultivated her over the years..

  This is where I let you see me. Really see me.

  Not just the clips and bits you might catch of me on one of my dancing videos or live Instagram prayer times.

  Not just the social media highlights of me running backstage on shows like the Grammys.

  But this is my real realness.

  Stripped of all my accolades and accomplishments – I’m just a girl sitting in front of a computer sharing her heart – hoping to find connection and understanding.

  Many of you have spent some significant time with me here in this space  – some of you are just discovering who I am and what I’ve been writing about for 15+ years  - nevertheless, I invite you in.

  I’ve been wrestling quite a bit and on the verge of throwing things…

  They say ‘Safety’ is the foundation of all positive emotions.

  Meaning, if you feel safe, you can feel free to express joy, happiness, delight, etc.

  I’ve been wrestling with this idea the last few days:

  Is it still safe for me to dream?

  To dream big with God.

  Do we know when God is truly breathing on something and moving the dial forward in our lives?

  How is that confirmed?

  I felt bamboozled last year when I had a pretty, significant dream of a man, who in the dream, seemed to appear out of nowhere, but full of smiles and felt like mine.

  Have you ever had a dream or a sense like that?

  Prior to me having that dream that night, I had whispered to the Lord – “I miss my man” – whoever he may be…I just needed to feel held that night.

  And bammm.

  Just like that, a glorious dream appeared.

  Let me first preface with – I too am subject to “Pizza dreams” -- dreams that might simply be caused by the pressures of the day or the late night snack I had…but in rare specific cases, I’ve dreamed of people and places that I’ve never met or been too, only to actually meet those people & places in real life – sometimes this happens immediately after the dream….sometimes a little while after.

  So when I say that I had a dream that stood out to me – just know it had weight of a certain track record with me.

  Later that week – a beautiful stranger appears in my life (Of course we meet at a country spot…) – he even mirrored some of the gestures that this man did in my dream.

  I was in shock.

  But I held all this information close to my chest.

  I didn’t say a word to him about it.

  After that night, we went our separate ways.

  I was bummed he didn’t ask for my number, but chalked it up to a one-time experience - and that his ‘job’ was pretty much done in that moment.

  We had good conversation. Enjoyed each other’s company. And that was the end of that chapter.

  But something in me expected to see this guy again.

  And of course, I did the thirsty girl stance thangs: Everywhere I went, I expected to see this guy – I even went to places that I thought he might show up – but nope, our paths never crossed again in 2022.

  Mind you, I’ve been sharing with you on previous blog posts, about how I’ve been on a weird relationship probation period – where I felt that I wouldn’t really meet my man until 2023.

  So while I was on the look out for “Mr. Dream Man” – I was torn – because in the back of my mind, I was like, “So maybe that guy was just a warm up?” Just to show me that I could have an easy connection with someone who felt kind, attractive and normal to me?

  But why did he have to come with such a pronounced dream?

  I had met plenty of other attractive, nice guys before and after him – but for some reason, this joker stood out from the rest…

  So after my brief encounter with “Mr. Dream Man”, I spent some more time in prayer, just asking God to bring some clarity for my heart.

  A few weeks later, I had another dream of this guy. He was driving a car, I was in the passenger seat and someone who seemed to be a mutual friend of ours, was sitting in the middle backseat.

  In the dream it was nighttime, he was driving me to his home, and the friend in the back seat says out loud, “I think you two like each other…”

  And he replies (almost as if I’m not in the car) “I think you’re right…I don’t normally teach someone to dance…”

  I just look out of the passenger window in shock and in smiles. And then the dream ends.

  I woke up from a dead sleep and jotted down that dream – but still didn’t know what I was really supposed to do with it.

  I had no contact info for this guy and we didn’t live in the same city.

  And when I shared this dream with prayerful friends, no one really had any final insights or answers. It was more or less implied – “Just keep living…”

  So I just marinated on it.

  But as I did – it built in me this crazy expectancy for a wild romance climax of sorts with this mystery guy.

  But I did do my best to lay down the narratives of fantasy – and when I say I did my best…I want you to truly know that I did my fantastic terrible worst at it.

  Yes, I did meet other guys – yes, I went on a date later in the year – but it all felt lackluster.

  My heart still felt unresolved.

  I ended up having another crazy dream in the summer of 2022 of a different guy who I felt like I had a ‘Season’ with – but it didn’t have the same type of gravitas as the previous dream.


  But at that point, I had traveled a bit, met some new guys who intrigued me and had developed a crush on a co-worker that pretty much lasted me until the end of 2022.

  I was not thinking of Mr. Dream Man at all at that point..

  And towards the end of 2022, no man was really thinking of me. At least not vocally. And I was okay with that.

  I chose to take time away from dating altogether and simply focus on my next life chapter and what I wanted to dream up. I spent most of November and  December weeping and coming back home to my child-like heart.

  It felt refreshing.

  My heart needed rest and I got it.

  But I knew come 2023, ‘Everything would be different’.

  I was going to hire a new dating & relationship coach, because the church at large has done a really weird job of helping grown folks date in a healthy, productive way. We’re getting better at it slowlyyyyy – but dang ya’ll.

  We have a generation of folks that were told to avoid intimacy and sex at all costs, BUT to also only engage with the opposite sex by pursuing marriage solely. I’m not that great at math, but something doesn’t fully add up.

  It seems like some steps might have been skipped….

  That’s why in the next 5 -7 years, I’m pretty sure your church is going to have a dating/relationship pastor/director on staff – because the dynamics between men and women are not to be feared, but rather understood, nurtured, and taught well.

  So I knew that once I got to 2023, hired my new dating coach, stepped into my certification class for body-oriented coaching (we’ll talk about this on a later blog), got passed doing the Grammys, and got back to planning retreats for single women & creatives, my man would be ready to swoop me up.

  Later in 2022, I realized the reason I was attracting so many incredibly attractive men who were emotionally unavailable for real relationship and commitment – was because I wasn’t really emotionally available and ready to be fully seen and known.

  I was attracting men, who loved to comment on my dancing and how beautiful I looked, but couldn’t go deep, past surface conversation.

  And I was the SAME WAY.

  I was objectifying men.

  I was seeing how I could simply use them for my own personal relationship goal, rather than engaging with them fully as unique men – as a human with a real heart, real thoughts, real dreams, real goals –

  Not just a trophy that I could put on the shelf of my own ego:

  “See, I can catch a hot man, and get married.”

  “Look at my hot man & kingdom marriage.”

  When did I get so petty?


It’s so interesting to me the ways in which God reveals our own heart to ourselves.

  I’m currently reading the book of Jeremiah.

  *slow clap*

  This book felt dry as the Sahara to me when I first got into it.

  Yesss, there is a whole lot that happens before the 29th chapter and the 11th verse. Otherwise known as one of the “O.T. Hits”.

  But then I got to chapter 9 last week.

  And something arrested my heart.

  The God of the universe was giving us direct insight into His mind & His heart.

  He’d rather have your heart than your empty actions.

  Don’t just go to church and warm a seat with your bum and not actually have a heart that says, God, I’m yours. Wholly, completely. No matter what.

  Like I would tell my youth group kids, just because you stand in a garage, doesn’t make you a car---and just because you go to church doesn’t mean you actually know and love God.

  There’s a real shift – that only God knows when it’s truly legit inside of you.

  We can fool everyone else – and sometimes even ourselves.

  But God knows when He has your heart and your real life.

  And so God showed me my heart towards men in this season.

  I had been doing so much incredible, thoughtful work with women and for women, that men became an objectified end goal.

  And no one wants to be objectified – and according to Jeremiah 9:24, not even God.

  He longs to be known, understood, and loved. Rather than given empty religious actions to achieve some sort of goal.

  And we are created in His image.

  And the men in my life, like me, want to be richly known, understood, and loved.

  And that takes initiative AND PRACTICE.

  And this is why I think dating can be so illuminating and healthy.

  Whether it was stated or not in 2022, the men around me could low-key sense my thirst and objectification. Which was attracting certain men romantically and repelling others.

  And depending on which environment I was in, my thirst would rise or decrease.

  So I knew I wanted to stop this cycle intensely in 2023.

  And now it comes back to…




Safety is one of the foundations that I teach and help to develop in the single women that I work with.

  But I too need a constant refresher course on this.

  Where we have a felt sense of safety, there is also a deep sense of peace.

  But I realized, that in the space of dating, something felt unsafe to me about men.

  There’s a certain narrative I’ve believed about men, specifically men who I find attractive, that they are not 100% safe.

  And yes, I’m going to delve into this more with my own personal coaching team as well.

  But what I do know, is that I love men who are not afraid of me. Who truly want to engage me with questions.  Because they help me to remember that I don’t need to be afraid of myself and my wildness -- They help me to settle into an atmosphere of safety and peace.

  But now, I realize, I need to invite men into this space. Into my space.

  Most gentlemen won’t rush into the space of my wilderness without being invited.

  And now I realize that’s quite healthy on their part.

  Because previously, I simply wanted to be ‘Rescued.’

  That was also my poor definition of being “Feminine” -- Downplaying  myself, and seeking to be rescued.

  But God keeps reminding me…”Hey baby girl, I already rescued you…”

  But what I get to be led into with my man, is a beautiful partnership.

  I need him. And he needs me.

  We both go further together, than if we were apart.

  Being helped, protected, & provided for is not the same as my limp definition of being “Rescued”.

  I still have to show up to do my own work.

  My own work on my life, job, ministry, heart, etc.

  And yet, there’s something that a man and the masculine brings to my life that a woman simply does not.

  And I realize that there are men in my life who see all of me in my God-loving wildness and want to step closer, to protect it, build with it, and provide for it.

  Some of those men are a part of my support & dream team tribe – where they also get to help vet the men who are trying to pursue me romantically.

  And then there are those men who want to step closer to me and feel compelled to protect, build, and provide for me in a romantic way, and I am willing to make space, depending on their character as a man.  


Update: I saw Mr. Dream Man at the top of 2023. After almost a year! He looked different to me. Hardened a bit. Like he had been through and seen some things. Our connection was different – I asked how we could stay in contact – and we exchanged numbers. But it all felt a bit forced. I texted him a couple times – his responses were short. And then…no responses. Our last exchange left me feeling angry, played, and confused. Slowly stepping out of this funk. But somehow feeling the story is not fully over. If anything, I do pray he has a crazy experience with God that radically blesses his life. He doesn’t need to end up with me to be blessed, but I would love to see some crazy redemption from this saga…


What I learned at the end of my 2022 and what I’m repeating to myself all throughout my 2023,  is that I don’t need to be abrasive or “Prove” myself in any environment.

  Even with what happened with “Mr. Dream Man” & the other guys I met in 2022 (Who ghosted me or said offensive things to me) -- my heart still remains open to real love.

  I can be gentle and strong.

  Speaking of gentle…

  And a little bit tender…

  I’m feeling all the feels right now.

  And let’s just say, the top of this year has been full of grandiose disappointment.

  So much so that I wanted to close down all my coaching work, shut down my own BCM program for single Christian women and just bury my head in my bed until whenever…

  I personally vacillate between feeling like a big fat, laughing-stock billboard of singleness humiliation and a possible living martyr for all Christian single girls over 30+

  And with the recent news of one of my girls possibly getting catfished – I felt as though what I was teaching and providing was dumb – faulty and at worse…perhaps truly UNHELPFUL.

  So I reached out to my key intercessor & prayer partner for BCM, a friend of mine who I’ve invited in to pray over and investigate the work that I do with my single women. I texted her in a tizzy and simply said, I’m at a roadblock. I’m stuck. I’m ready to Quit.

  But in true mature fashion…she responded with such grace and kindness, she affirmed that she heard me, but also put something on the table. “Let’s wait a few days and see what He says…”



  Waiting sounds like “Go F Yourself” to me at this point.

  Haven’t we waited enough??

  Why isn’t there ‘Breakthrough’? Or at least newness of some sort in this area?

  As I write to you, I still don’t know if I responded to her text – I just let it sit there in the texting atmosphere..

  Shaking my fist at God.

  Stewing in the lack of physical affection and sexual frustration.

  Mind you, yes, my beautiful cycle is also on the way – AND also…another important date hit yesterday.


It’s so CRAZY to me how our body’s know things before our brain does.

  Meaning, I went one year, busy as can be, forgetting the anniversary of when my dad died. And on a ‘random’ Saturday, I went out driving and just ugly cried my eyes out to worship music for a few hours.

  Even in the midst of it all, I was like…what is going on with me?

  I’m not on my period. Why this intense dramatic response all of a sudden??

  But when I got home, I was reminded that it was the exact date that my dad died.

  I had honestly forgotten (in my mind) but my body didn’t…

  And much like that day, yesterday was rough.

  It was my dad’s birthday.

  This date I remember all too well.

  My mom’s birthday is in January, my dad’s was in February, and mine is in March.

  That was just our family thing.

  So anytime I start to get close to the end of January and the beginning of February, I tense up slightly.

  This year, I had the distraction of the Grammys – and so I thought…”Yeah, I’m great. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m tired. But I’m fine.”

  But then the day came.




I was stewing with anger and disappointment.

  I didn’t want to feel my grief.

  I didn’t want to feel let down by God.

  I didn’t want to feel my desire to be in a healthy committed relationship with a man.

  I didn’t want to feel.

  I was frustrated with so much and it was all coming to the surface.

  I wanted to quit caring so much.

  Plus, I was irritated with how I perpetuated a toxic work ethic of 16+ hour days for myself and my team in the last week.

  So mix grief with exhaustion and you get this blog post…

  But mostly, I genuinely and intensely missed my dad for that long 24-hour period.


I was aching.

  But I wasn’t reaching out to let my ache be known.

  Everyone was still commenting on my country line dancing and backstage Grammys videos.

  Not just online, but in person.

  But I wasn’t using my voice.

  People genuinely asked me that night in person, how I was doing.

  And I lied.

  I said I was fine. “I’m good.”

  Like we so often do…

  I just didn’t want to unload all of what I’m unloading now and just start ugly crying out in the streets (of which I feel like I do A LOT BTW…*eye rolls*) – plus, I don’t know if I had all this language for it at that point.

  And lastly, I was also tired of people telling me their prescriptive love stories – as if what happened to them was destined or doomed to happen for me.

  I’d like to believe that God is a tad bit more creative than that--than to rinse and repeat another’s love story for someone else.

  But I do know that there are certain beautiful principles in place when it comes to love.

  But the way in which they get to be expressed in our individual love stories are glorioulsy nuanced. And it’s important to extend grace to our respective love journeys.


But I’m beginning to learn again that my voice is safe with you.

  That many of you love holding space for me.

  And I absolutely love holding space for you. It’s one of my great callings:

  To create safe spaces, where love can truly thrive.

  So today, I’m not fully quitting.

  At least I don’t think so.


But I am pausing.


I’m reflecting.


I’m remembering.


And perhaps hoping a bit.

  Something does need to change.

  And I think it might need to be me.

  I realized that there is only so much you can learn about a person by watching them.

  Meaning, your parents, can observe you and see your quirks for your entire life, and still not know the true inner workings of who you are, unless you give voice to yourself and allow yourself to be known.

  Even the most caring, well-intentioned people may not fully see you.

  And that’s okay.

  You still have a voice.

  And it deserves to be heard. And can be heard.

  So please use it.

  And yes, maybe everyone’s voice won’t be on your same frequency, but you’ll know who is on your frequency-- once you speak…

  I also think its vital to our beings, that God says in scripture that, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the Heart.

  God doesn’t objectify us either.

  He doesn’t just use us to His own end, but He is invested in you and with the totality of who you are and how you were made to belong with Him and others.

  So when I say, I think it’s me that needs to change…I’m not speaking of my outward personality necessarily, but rather my inward growth:  Believing even more deeply who God says I am, and the truth that His love affirms me in all seasons of my life.

  And with that growth and change,  I want to move and show up in the world with and in the safety that God’s presence provides and in the texture of how  He celebrates me. He knows us. Like really know us. And He knows the poetry that our lives can make.

  When you are in a safe space where you are fully celebrated and not simply tolerated, it feels as though you’ve gotten your true voice back – vibrant expression and freedom.

  There’s still risk and vulnerability to be had and to navigate through, but safety and celebration are always waiting for you on the other side in God’s presence.

  Even if you’re like me, and drag yourself to the other side kicking, screaming, and using… Ehem…colorful language…God’s presence is still waiting for you on the other side of your circus.

  I’m starting to remember the part that our own unique voices play.

  It’s essential in the journey of being known by others.

  Not just in the macro.

  But in the Micro. Of everyday friendships and relationships.


I’m great at asking questions and evoking stories out of you.

  But when it comes to my voice, all that I want to say takes time.

  It’s like honey ...actually more like molasses.

  (That’s why it’s taking me more than 5 hours to write this post.)

  And I always assume you don’t have time.

  Because I don’t always have time.

  And I like slow, long 3-hour catchups.

  But I’ll quit assuming.

  I’ll let go of control.

  And I’ll simply invite you in.

  It’s up to you if you want to stay.

  And if you don’t want to stay, it’s okay.

  I’m learning to let that go.

  I’ve not mastered the art of letting go.

  But I’m ready to grow.

  And I think that Love is ready to get us there – even when we fiercely yell that we are ready to quit…

Wisdom’s Knocking:

“Few things are more comforting to the soul than the voice of someone who loves us.”

― Wayne Gerard Trotman




I hit a wall again last night.

I stretched myself and went on another date.

It was good.



But I think we both knew it wasn’t quite the connection we were looking for.

And then I ask…

Why bother?

My ego wanted to be asked out on a 2nd date, just so I could have the opportunity to say no. But I never got the chance. Which in the end was probably best for both of us.

He and I frequent the same spots and I knew it could get a little tricky for me.

Not for him.

Just me.

 I’ve felt so vulnerable in my “Senior year” as I call it.

 I’ve simply wanted to be held and seen.

 Feel safe.

My relationship coach would then say, in what way can you provide that for yourself.

*Eye rolls*

Well, if I could provide that for myself coach, why then would I have this ache for a real flesh and blood man, or as one singer-songwriter  says, “My Salt of the Earth Gentleman.”…

I know, I know….


Super side-note: I also know that I don’t have to be forward, but I like to be kind – I’m in a tea shop, where a sweet woman is trying to find another outlet close by so she can plug in her laptop, and everyone else is just standing around staring as if they can’t help and be a part of the solution. They had the look of non-solution and panic in their eyes. I’m honestly super annoyed by that. *Shakes my head*

 And of course, I stepped in to help this girl find an outlet. Wouldn’t you?

 As it would be known in the relationship coaching world, I was operating more in my masculine energy.

The doer, find a solution, forward acting type of energy. (Just think of sperm…)

It’s been fascinating to me over the last 3 years, as I’ve been intently studying relationships and the dynamics between the masculine and the feminine—how amazing these God-breathed attributes are —It’s truly a beautiful thing.


I’ve shared with you before how life-changing relationship coaching has been for me and how it continues to shape me in my continued journey.

But taking some deep dives into learning about “Polarity” (“The spark that occurs between two opposing energies” – which in this case would be the masculine & the feminine - credit: Tony Robbins) over the years has been the main spark (pun intended) that’s lit a vibrant fire within me when it comes to relationships; and has now become a part of what I get to teach to a unique group of women on a monthly basis.

To hear one of the BEST podcasts on this topic from a Christian Perspective – listen to this series on “The Heart of Dating” called the “Energetics of Dating” – I know – when I say “Energy” you might already want to check out. Like it’s too “Woo-Woo” or “New Age” – But Nope. It’s science. (And in my opinion, spiritual as well…)


And if you’re a fan of science like I am – and want to have a better love life – that 4 part series is a DEFINITE listen. You will not be sorry. (& Feel free to give me your thoughts afterwards!)


But I think I’m realizing that in all my teaching and giving and praying for others, I’m back to somehow moving more in my masculine and not connecting to my feminine enough.


So when I’m out here on these dates, I’m not just expecting, but craving and almost demanding the man show up and hold me, cover me, make me feel safe – when in reality he’s not in an emotional place to do so, nor is it his obligation.

 I think when we as women get into “Demanding” that a man do this or that for us – that’s a red flag.

 It’s important to know the season that we are in and what we need.

 But demanding speaks to lack in our own story – not necessarily the lack in the person right in front of us.

 What is that we are not confronting?

And if the man is not in a space to show up -- and doesn’t love operating in a mode to provide, protect, and give attention to you – chances are, you 2 are meant for each other – at least not in this season of life.

So let it go.

You HAVE to let him go.

And that’s always a hard pill to swallow.

Staying soft is no easy work.

Especially as a woman who’s been single for so many years.

I could easily pick any random handsome guy at the next country dance hall that I frequent and just have sex.

But sleeping with someone wouldn’t really soothe the ache.

It might relieve some stress – but not the ache.

And I’ve come too far in this journey.

Plus, I know my heart.

I’d get attached.

Like REALLY attached.

What I’m still not used to is the casual walls of men.

I am a champion of men through and through, don’t get me wrong.

In my women’s community, I have a strict policy against male bashing – we can always tell the truth about a man in any given situation, but the attention, pivot and change begins by looking at our own hearts as women, as well.

It’s fascinating to me that God doesn’t ask us to forgive people once they do better – but to forgive. Period.

But I’ve had men as friends, nice guys really—start our friendship off by walking me to my car, being intentional to make me feel safe – and then – they shoot their shot, I let them. We have a date. It goes well. No ghosting involved.

But no second date.

And that’s fine. Really.

We see each other in our usual circles.

We have small talk.

All is seemingly back to “Normal.”

But then, the walking me to my car stops, and the other simple, kind human efforts stop as well.

And I then I can’t help but think…Were all the previous efforts disingenuous and fake?

Or is the current mode just simple self-preservation?

Yet somehow I feel used.


I don’t have that type of articulation in the moment though.

I just drive off in my car in the middle of the night, try and look up at the stars and cry my little heart out.

It picks and digs at that often healed and reopened wound of mine called, “Self-worth” –

I wasn’t truly “Worth It” to you in the end.

But again, my articulation isn’t the best in the moment.

And I realize that I actually feel lost and that scares me more than anything.

I’m just ready to give up.


On love.


On “Like”


On chemistry.


On dreams.


On the one.


On relationships.


On pretty much everything.


I spiral for a bit.


I run away for a bit.


I wait to be found.


(To note: After having a real heart to heart conversation with a good friend, I realized part of this overall feeling of “Lostness”, is stemming from my career shift, my lack of feeling understood and safe in my new work environment …and being around folks that are more scared and sad than they are adventurous and crazy joyful. For those that are in similar work/life environments, you have my condolences and my heartfelt compassion – me being a creative freelancer for almost 20 years had no idea how hard it was for ya’ll 9 to fivers. You have my utmost respect!)


I wish I was nicer to myself.

I wish we were kinder to one another.

It’s the very thing that I’m always telling my tribe: “You are worthy. You are worthy of good love now, right now.”

But to be honest, my very message is also my wound.

And I find myself, like you, in situations that LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to test my own worth.

But are you who God really says you are…??

Are you smart enough? (Even after having a master’s degree…)


Can you actually do the job at work? (Even after facing the pressure (with supernatural peace & joy) of having multiple world-renowned celebrities to take care of before a huge performance and tv show…)


Are you actually pretty enough? (Even after attracting some of the most handsome and intelligent men I’ve ever met…)



But once the Lord whispered to me – like a parent to a child, “Let me kiss your wounds and make them fruitful.”


There will be wounds.


I know. Hearing that stings.


But there’s no getting away from that.


Yet, how quickly we start the healing process from those wounds, begins with our own personal move towards surrender.

More walls beget more walls beget more walls.

But surrender does the opposite of what you think it would: It gives space for healing and resurrection power. And then, and only then can a true shift in your narrative begin. A breaking of the tired cycles.

Surrender is not about “Giving up” in this instance, but rather, it’s a…STOP PUSHING SO HARD AND RUNNING IN A DIRECTION THAT YOU KNOW IS NOT GIVING LIFE OR HEALTHY FOR YOU.

Can you trust God enough to pause?

So as my worth is being put on the trash bin fire pit in this season….I know, somehow, that the result will still be GOLD.

I trust the Potter. Not necessarily the Fire. But the Potter.

I always find it interesting that so many of us relationship coaches are single. Not all of us ;)   But many are –

BUT the good ones (whether single or not) are still choosing to put themselves out there – to stay vulnerable…”To trust love just one more time…”


It’s not lost on me, that I lead a community for single women that love Jesus and want to truly and FINALLY step into an epic love story with a man, full of romance, and all the while….Yes, I’m still single.

I don’t hide this.

And yet, somehow, my girls in this community are meeting quality men (some for the first time ever) and have even entered into incredible relationships.

I love seeing when my girls get to date in healthy ways and experience healing relationships – when the man shows them an aspect of kindness that they never thought a man knew how to do — or she simply learns how to receive well -- which for me is always such a joy to watch.

I mean, it’s a completely a beautiful and miraculous work of God when two people connect on a real deep and meaningful level.

And these gorgeous women show up, take responsibility where they can, and learn to surrender like never before. Not just with men, but also as the journey with God.

From the beginning, I knew my path to love would be different.

I’m still on the path.

It’s just different.


But I’ve been peeling back the layers of my heart and asking the hard questions.


What do I really want? And why…?


I feel vulnerable and a bit tender – which makes it very interesting when I happen to be on a date in this season.

But I do choose to do the work with my own heart first, beforehand…

Plus, I don’t want to fully unload on my sweet unsuspecting first date fella.

We can save that for date #3 – Ha! I kid….Maybe…

It’s worth being said, that some women only know how to operate in what I like to call the “Sob-Story Princess” – which can be very attractive to certain men. Because it can give the man space in many instances to play the hero.

But then a woman in such a role of constant distress, can get stuck and become afraid of stepping into her fully alive joyful, beautiful self, because moving towards joy feels as though she might be abandoning a part of herself (and perhaps the attention of certain men), when in actuality, she is becoming healthier.

It doesn’t need to be trauma that bonds you to a person, but rather, the story of you as a whole (Your dreams, wildness, calmness, uniqueness, ordinary-ness, and all) will always be enough for the right person and cultivates a healthier relationship in the end.

But you do have space to feel. I don’t want to paint this picture of us having to be emotional robots, with no sad stories or sad seasons ever.

It’s important to feel - in fact, we know that “The Body Keeps the Score” when it comes to trauma. So whether you think you are moving past that last heartache or disappointment unscathed, your body might have another story to tell…

But God made our bodies and minds in such a way that healing is what the body wants to move towards - it’s quite fascinating. So when we get stuck in our own loop of unhealed trauma, we may be falling pray to our own deception, false narratives, or subversively manipulating people with our emotions, actions and the overall energy we bring to a space.

So yes, feel.

But also dream.

P.S. If you are in a season where you have NO dreams. Stop dating asap. And figure out what the heck it is that you want out of life. What is God calling your towards. Name that thing. Maybe it’s shifted from what you thought it would be 3 years ago or even last year. But NAME that thing. Hold that thing in your heart.

Sit with that thing.

Tell a friend.

AND then let it be integrated into your day-to-day, your speech.

Let it flavor the rest of your life.

And then after that – hone in on what you want in a lover-friend-spouse – be clear on some of the fundamentals for your heart and then date.

Simply practice meeting people. Look them in the eyes. Ask good questions. Hear their story.

And stay grateful.

(To note, if you’ve had a bad break up – give yourself some time to heal and re-dream…)

I’m jusssst starting to remember what it is I truly want when it comes to my man.

And I think it boils down to consistency.

I love it.

Consistency is like Kryptonite to me. If you say you’re going to do something and you do it… Not just the first time when you’re trying to be suave and flirty….but over and over again, because that’s simply who you are — I’m basically going to turn into a swooning shy schoolgirl with you.

Because consistency is where the gold is for me.

Chemistry can build.

Charisma can be fleeting.

Attraction can happen on so many different levels.

But if he has consistency. WATCH OUT.

So how do I get healthy love and affection in this space of dating and not-dating??

How do I not demand from a man and not belittle, degrade or punish myself as I process my own desires and needs?

This is going to sound like a crazy-too-simplistic answer, but for me:

I need to travel.

I need to rest.

And mostly slow down.

But the humdinger is:

I need to put myself in situations and with people that know the real me and love me and affirm me.

We tend to run from those people at times.

But allow yourself to be loved.

A girl reached out to me on social media after I posted something about why most people dislike dating – the overall sense: Because it can feel stupid and superficial.


And she responded with “I’ve come to think that a man for me doesn’t exist…


And without me even thinking about it. I responded to her message with:

“They exist – but they often intimidate us and then we run…"


I know.


My own response shook me.


Because how many times have I actually run?


More times than I’d like to admit.


And right now, are you running?


It might not be “Everyone else” or “All guys” or “Most girls” – it might just be YOU.


And if that’s the case, that’s a beautiful thing.


Because it’s in your power to shift, change, and move towards a different direction.


Honestly, I’m still not satisfied with how my “Senior year” of dating is going.

But what I’m not willing to do is to check out completely.

Things do need to shift with me.

In fact, a big change is coming.

My man is still moving towards me – somehow, someway.

And as I stepped into this tea shop to write this blog post, I looked to my right, and in the free book area, (Or at least I think it was free -Ha!) someone had left one book – Just 1 book -- and it happened to be the “Princess Bride”. (by William Goldman)

And for my coaches and journals out there that truly know me – know the real me, they know how significant this story is in my journey.

“A Tale of True Love & High Adventure”

That’s basically how I want to always live my life.

With love and adventure.

So to find this book just waiting for me – felt like a sweet, sweet sign from God.

The sign I so desperately needed when I was just about ready to run and give up on everything.

And so my prayer for you this week, is that you would get the sign, the verse, or that hug you need today.

Because God knows exactly what you need at this stage of the journey.

And He’s still a good, good Father.

And because the story He has for you, will always conclude with you being held firmly and securely by His strong, strong love.

Yes. It’s true.

The adventure will continue.

And so will Love.

Love Always,




Wisdom’s Knocking:

 Westley: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?

Buttercup: Well ... you were dead.

Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

Buttercup: I will never doubt again.

Westley: There will never be a need.

~ “The Princess Bride”