The first year my company was in existence, my elevator pitch was HORRIBLE.
“So we know that you work in T.V. production, Patrice, but what is your company Together Good Co. about?? What does it DO?
*Cue my panic face*
“Well, it….uh….encompasses….is like an umbrella….”
Did I just say an umbrella? Wait, what was I even saying?
But I won’t make you go through my full awkward explanation from my early days.
Instead, I’ll give you the 5 things you need to know about my company Together Good Co., and how it involves you!
1. Together Good Co. has 3 Main Focus Areas:
This is where it gets fun.
Together Good Co. doesn’t simply offer one service or one product, but rather 3 distinct areas of focus which encompass different services and offerings.
I learned early on, that the niche area of events and T.V. production that I had been a part of, for over a decade was unique, but the skillsets were transferable to a variety of different work fields.
Let’s look at these categories of Together Good Co. in brief:
2. Together Good Co. is about T.V. & Events Production
My company (or my services) will often be hired by production companies to fulfill a particular management or coordinating role in the course of producing an event.
I’ve had the joy and privilege of mentoring people throughout the years, all with different work backgrounds-- those that either wanted to start a career in events or simply wanted to get their feet wet in the world of T.V. Production and backstage work.
3. Together Good Co. is about Celebrity Hospitality
Together Good Co. has over a decade of experience preparing and managing dressing rooms, green rooms, and VIP rooms for high profile celebrities, at some of the top television and award shows in the world.
I just love good hospitality and thoughtfulness! This aspect of treating people with dignity and a high level of kindness is at the heart of Together Good Co.
4. Together Good Co. is about…Brand Integration
When it comes to bringing an incredible celebrity experience, I rely on innovative and creative brands to help me set the atmosphere.
I love working with a variety of healthy, snack, beverage, and style brands to give them exposure in front of celebrities-- As well as providing a fun and unique experience for some of our favorite artists in the world.
5. Together Good Co…. It’s About You.
It’s no coincidence that the word “Together” is in my company name. I truly do believe we are better together.
Have you been curious about working backstage whether in television or events?
And you just have no idea where to start? Or what to even do to break into the industry?
Well, I’d love to meet you and get you started and on your way!
If that sounds like you, feel free to click here:
Can’t wait to meet you!