I often get asked: “Who’s the worst celebrity you’ve ever worked with backstage…??”
But the question I get asked, just as much as that is: “How did you actually get into that world of entertainment??”
I’ve loved sharing my journey with countless people across the nation-- about how I broke into the world of television production and events.
I didn’t have a famous uncle or a special hook-up that put me on the fast track, but instead, through trial and error, and over a period of years, I was able to make a career out of working backstage in television and events.
But now, my heart is to make the journey easier and a bit less complicated for those about to step into this field.
So here we go, My Top 3 Tips on How to Start Working Backstage in the Entertainment Industry!
1. Know the Type of Events You Enjoy…
Yes. This is actually important.
Because if you don’t enjoy or have a genuine interest in the environment that you’ll be working in, your work ethic will be lackluster at best.
Not sure what events you love the most?
Here are some clues to help you find out:
What events do you look at the most on social media? Weddings, concerts, comedy shows, celebrity culture shows, award shows, sporting events etc.?
Or what are your current favorite television/streaming shows?
Now you don’t have to get “locked” into a particular type of event, but this just becomes a good starting point as you begin to pursue work in this field.
2. Reach Out!
As you know, jobs rarely just land in your lap.
You’ll need to do a bit research.
Find at least 3 companies producing the type of event that you are into or are curious about.
Most TV production and event planning companies can be found with a quick and decent Google search.
After you’ve found your 3 companies, then it’s time to be Brave.
Be sure to have a solid resume ready to send along with a brief yet impactful email.
Pro Tip: Ask if you can possibly intern or shadow a key employee for one of their upcoming events.
(To get a free email template for reaching out, click here!)
3. Lastly, Have a Connection
I Knowww. But don’t roll your eyes or get discouraged just yet!
There’s some truth to the old saying,…. “It’s often about who you know…”
It is also abut WHAT you know as well. Make no mistake.
Being resourceful, smart, a problem solver, someone with kind manners, etc. will serve you quite well in the world of TV production and entertainment events.
I’m keenly aware that my entry into the world of entertainment became much easier, once I had a connection, mentor, and a personal guide helping to lead me each step of the way. Someone to warn me of the pitfalls and to also give me tried and true direction when the momentum began to build.
Now after my decade long journey in the world of entertainment, I have so much more knowledge than I once did, and tools of how to navigate the world of Entertainment & Events, and I’m excited to share them with you.
And with that said, YOU can consider ME your personal connection into the world of entertainment. YES. For Real :)
You no longer have to wait, while someone else gets another opportunity that you could have only dreamed of.
You don’t have to say….”Maybe someday” Today can actually be the day!
So are you curious enough to try?
Ready to have a personal coach and guide into the world of entertainment and events?
If so, I’d love to be that motivating sister-friend for you!
To get connected to me and my monthly updates, pro-tips, and stories you can click here!
Talk Soon!