10 Things People Don’t Know About Me:


So maybe

you’ve already tried to internet stalk me a little bit. And I’m not even mad at ya for that! I’d do the exact same thing.

But I figured I’d make it a little bit easier for you, so you don’t have to try and piece information together from my Instagram and Facebook pages. Ha!

So let’s get right into it:

# 1: I own a pair of “Scarface” pajama pants, that I’ve had since I was 16.

Let me explain.

I know what you’re thinking, what teen girl back in the 90s (yes, the 90s) lists “Scarface” as one of her favorite movies.


This girl.

Al Pacino in “Scarface” teaches us all a valuable lesson: The ‘American Dream’ is a bit flawed. And when we chase that as fulfillment solely, it leaves us empty and possibly paranoid, ending in somewhat of a dramatic fashion.

So naturally, my dad found me “Scarface” pajama pants and gave them to me for my birthday, and I’ve had them ever since.

#2: I love going to the movies by myself.

Maybe it’s because I grew up as an only child, but I relish my alone time. I also just love getting lost in a story and having time to process it all.

#3: Tom Hanks and I have history.

I had to do impromptu voice work at a gala event, years ago, from behind the stage: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time to take you seats. The program will be starting soon.”

I said this several times before the event started.

Someone behind me, said something to the effect of, “That’s good work right there. Such a nice voice.”

As I opened my eyes (because I had closed my eyes prior, in an effort to concentrate) and turned around to thank the person, I just stared blankly.

It was Tom Hanks!

I mustered up a Thank You. He smiled and said something nice back, of which I can’t recall because #SHOCK.

The last thing I remember was walking away with my eyes as wide as saucers.

#4: I have seen the John Hughes movie, “Somekind of Wonderful” more than 20 times…

Yes, I’m a sucker for 1980s romance…

#5: My first job was working at a baseball stadium.

Baseball will always have a special place in my heart!

#6:  Denmark is one of my favorite places on the planet. (Zambia and England are a close second)

#7: Single.

Ha! I mean, what kind of list would this be, if I didn’t tell you my relationship status. #Priorities.

I mean. That’s the only reason why you’re not seeing romantic photos of me with bae. Because trust—I’d love to share. But we will see what God has in store for the future!

#8: My first television internship was in 1998. For extra credit, you can click the link here to see what show it was: LINK.

#9: Brownies are my favorite food group.

 As the saying goes, “I’m somewhere between a juice cleanse and a donut for dinner.”

#10: Together Good Co. almost never happened.

I never had any intentions of starting a small business. 

But one morning, after prayer, I woke up, and started writing a bare bones draft of a business plan. I had no idea that it would become Together Good Co. But I’m so glad it did!

With that special moment in mind, and all the encouraging voices: from producers to family to publicists and marketers who told me, over the last decade, I should highlight my services in a structured way-- in 2017, I finally stepped out and did it!

And here we are!

To learn more about me and what I do with Together Good Co. behind the scenes, join me here for my insider monthly updates: