Are you ready to step out and try something new?
Did you just get inspired by an incredible idea that you know could help people?
Have you just started your small business? Or are you thinking about it?
If so, I’m SO EXCITED for you!
With that said, I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned my first year of running my small company, Together Good Co.
Not only did I have actual client leads, I gained clients! And not only did I gain clients, I gained a DREAM CLIENT. And not only THAT, but my dream client is now a continuing client!
I know that success can be defined in a variety of ways, but for Together Good Co. and I, it was about connecting with our ideal client and having them feel as though we met and exceeded their expectations with our services. And I’m happy to share with you, that we had some real success stories!
It’s all been a beautiful, crazy whirlwind.
Now, if you’re on my email list, you’ve seen first hand what it really takes for me to do what I do behind-the-scenes backstage! And if you’re not on my email list, it’s not too late! As soon as you sign up, you get a fun intro email welcoming you to my Hollywood backstage world…and then the fun begins…
(To sign up for my email list: Feel free to Click Here!
So here we go! This is what I’ve learned, in hopes of helping you have success in your new adventurous endeavor!
1. I learned that…Naps are everything…
I know, this seems like such a silly note to begin with…BUT… Before I officially launched with my brand clients this past summer, I ran my body into the ground. To the point that I had to go the doctor’s for a breathing treatment because I had let my body get to such a high stress state. Needless to say, I had to learn how to slow down, pace myself, and get very intentional about scheduling rest.
Remember to be kind to yourself while chasing your dreams.
2. I learned that… In order to pursue a dream… I needed to have a plan and have some sense of structure and organization…
So you have a dream?…Now what’s the vision – or rather the written down plan?….How does it play out? When your dream is in motion what does it look like?
Which Leads me to…How Do I ACTUALLY get things done? And how do I actually connect with clients and do actual business things – like brochures, contracts, invoices, payments, and follow-up?
Simply put: Honeybook.
This by far has been one of the best business investments I’ve made to date! All those things I mentioned above like brochures, invoices, and the like…I was able to do and schedule within the online Honeybook business management tool.
Find what works for you. But definitely have a plan! And be willing to learn a new organizational skill if needed.
3. I learned that… Even though I was a solo entrepreneur, I wouldn’t find success by trying to do it all on my own...
Mentors are Everything. And online business mentors are my JAM. I don’t know about you, but my schedule is hecka busy already, and trying to do a conventional business course is near impossible. But having an online course/community and mentor to check in with, on my own time (while also learning at my own pace) is phenomenal!
I can honestly say I attribute all my new business savvy to: (Her Instagram Lab and List to Launch Courses are incredible!)
4. I learned that…Done is better than perfect.
This statement alone would have killed me just a few years ago.
The perfectionist in all of us wants everything to be glossy, Instagram ready, perfectly praiseworthy and uncriticizable —
And believe me, I get it--I work in Hollywood, so we at least want the “illusion” of perfection.
But perfect is not real.
And even when you put out great work, someone will find something to criticize. But take the leap and put out great work anyway.
Because yes, we still want Excellence, but not the elusive “perfection” at the expense of stalling to get the work out there and accessible to your potential and current clients.
5. I learned that… It’s important to know your “Why”…
Why this dream? Why are you doing this? Why would you want to do this? Why you? Who does this help and why?
6. I learned that… It’s vital to envision (in detail) and write about who my dream client is to be….
Yes, even before having actual clients, I did specific written exercises describing who I believed would benefit the most from my services, connect with my brand story and thus become a dream client.
Once that was established, I understood my target audience and brand story in a much clearer way.
It goes without saying, but to actually have dream clients in real life (and not just written about on paper) was an incredible moment of success for my company!
7. I learned that…Instagram (and other Social Media apps) works best for you and your brand when it tells a Story…
What story is your brand telling? What are 3 things that your brand is known for? How does your service/company/brand make the world a better place?
I had to wrestle this one out for a couple months—but once I answered those questions (and revisit those answers continually!) it makes all the difference in how I do business.
8. I learned that… Thank you notes and Thank you gifts still go a long way!
My mom always taught me to give people thank you notes after a birthday party or when someone took the time to do something special for me or to a boss after working a short term job.
There’s always something unique about stopping intentionally to say thank you in a real way.
And people truly do take it to heart.
However your brand serves people, always remember to “Over-deliver” – and leave a great lasting impression.
9 – I learned that… Integrity is still of the utmost importance, especially with how you present yourself online…
I learned that folks can smell inauthenticity a mile away.
And that’s it’s more than okay to be fully yourself…(I had to get over my fear of being “The face” of my company…..)
So don’t be afraid to be authentically you, and when faced with the temptation to respond to criticism or to take part in some sort of sneaky shortcut to success, I highly recommend taking the “high road”.
10. I learned that… I need to create deadlines for myself…
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I looove to procrastinate.
And if I keep saying “someday”, I’ll have a hard time finding that day on a calendar.
As you begin to realize your dream or set your business in place, set 2 or 3 firm dates. Such as…when you’d like to either: Have your Instagram page up and running, a new website, a new logo, or a brand story photo shoot, etc.
11. I learned that… It’s okay to have Fun…
I know, this sounds weird to even say--But just like you need to give yourself grace in the process, you also need to know when to celebrate the victories—big and small.
To be honest, I’m still learning this lesson in a big way, as I have a tendency to look at the next task, obstacle or challenge ahead, without truly stopping to savor and enjoy the last victory.
12. And I learned… To not despise the day of small beginnings…
Just a year ago, I had NO Clients….Zilch, Zero, Nada….
And I didn’t even know where to begin!
And now, not only do I have clients (plural!), but I also have on-going and continual clients!
So if you’re in the beginning stages of your dream or business, I want to encourage you to keep moving forward! You can do this!
And if you’re in the middle bits, I encourage you to keep taking steps forward! Look how far you’ve come!
And if you think you’re at the end…well, an ending is just another beginning’s doorway. And I can’t wait to see what’s next for you!
But no matter where you are in your journey, keep dreaming and keep expecting good things--because something beautiful and profound is unfolding.
So there you have it, sweet friend! 12 Things I Learned My 1st Year of Launching a New Small Company!
Want my exact list of tools and apps that helped make my first year successful?…
Click HERE to get my Free Together Good Co. Guide :
Until the next time…Keep pressing on, you wonderful dreamer you!